Top eight winners of “Quraner Noor,” a national level competition powered by Bashundhara Group, are going to perform Umrah along with family members on Tuesday.
A total of 25 people, including the top winners, will leave Dhaka tomorrow for Saudi Arabia.
Bashundhara Group Chairman Ahmed Akbar Sobhan and Managing Director Sayem Sobhan Anvir presented a tour to the competition winners in recognition of their outstanding achievements.
Baitul Mukarram National Mosque Musalli Committee President Eakub Ali gave this information in a press conference in the capital on Monday.
Musalli Committee Senior Vice-President Gulzar Ahmed, General Secretary Mizanur Rahman Manik, Senior Pesh Imam Mufti Mizanur Rahman, Pesh Imam Muhibbullahil Baki An Nadvi, and “Quraner Noor” Programme Coordinator Haider Ali were also present on the occasion.
Regarding the Umrah, Hafez Nasrullah Anas said any competition remains limited to giving prizes and money, but here Bashundhara Group has created an opportunity to perform Umrah with family members along with the prizes.
“Going for Umrah with family is a great achievement. I thank Bashundhara Group for giving such a great opportunity for us,” he said.
Gulzar Ahmed said everyone here is lucky as they are going to perform Umrah with their children. “We rejoice in their success. No one else has organised such a big event in Bangladesh.”
He added, “Earlier, Bashundhara Group Managing Director Sayem Sobhan Anvir organised Iftar for Muslims in Baitul Mukarram every day during Ramadan and provided opportunities for more than a hundred underprivileged Muslims to perform Umrah.”
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