Bashundhara Group, a leading business conglomerate of the country, Sunday signed a corporate deal with Singapore-based international organization Mustafa and Samsuddin Company Limited. Under the agreement, a chain shop (franchise) of internationally renowned Mustafa Centre will be set up soon at the basement of Basundhara City Shopping Mall Complex in the capital’s Panthapath area. Adviser to BG chairman TIM Latiful Hussain on behalf of the BG and Managing Director of Mustafa and Samsuddin Company Mustaq Ahmad on behalf of the Singaporean company signed the deal at the BG chairman’s house at Bashundhara residential area in the capital. Renowned businessman and Bashundhara Group Chairman Ahmed Akbar Sobhan was present at the signing ceremony. Director of Mustafa Group Abu Osama, former foreign minister of Singapore Zainul Abdin Rasheed, Managing Director of Al-Noor International Sheikh Babu Nooruddin, Director of Singapore Business Federation Cody Ice, and Regional Director of Mustafa Group Sheikh Rajena and Executive Director of BG (Marketing) Biddut Kumar Bhowmik were, among others, present on the occasion.
মনোহরদীতে বসুন্ধরা শুভসংঘের ইফতার সামগ্রী বিতরণ
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সৈয়দপুরে শিক্ষার্থীদের মাঝে বসুন্ধরা শুভসংঘের শিক্ষা সামগ্রী বিতরণ
Bashundhara Shuvosangho Distributes Educational Materials Among Students in Syedpur
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