Best performed teachers and brilliant students of different elementary and secondary schools in Brahmanbaria were accorded reception by the Bashundhara Group that took place at the playground of Bancharampur Girls Pilot High School recently. Minister for Primary and Informal Education Dr. Afsarul Amin joined the reception as the chief guest while State Minister for Liberation War Affairs Captain (Retd.) AB Tajul Islam and Senior Executive Director (A & F) of the Bashundhara Group Moinal Hossain Chowdhury joined it as the special guests. Chairman of Bancharampur Upzilla Sirajul Islam presided over the function. A total of 51 best performed teachers and 104 brilliant students in the district in 2007 and 2008 were conferred with crest of honor and certificates. Addressing the function Minister for Primary and Informal Education Dr. Afsarul Amin said that the government had been working hard to uplift the standard of education in the country. He pledged to do everything possible from his part and the government for the overall improvement of elementary and secondary education in Bancharampur Upazila. State Minister for Liberation War Affairs Captain (Retd.) AB Tajul Islam lauded the roles of the dedicated teachers in Barhmanbaria district and vowed to work for the welfare of the teachers’ community as a whole apart from the freedom fighters. Senior Executive Director (A & F) of the Bashundhara Group Moinal Hossain Chowdhury said that Bashundhara Group had long been serving the people of Bancharampur and it would continue to do so in the years ahead. He also announced ten scholarships in favor of the Bashundhara Group for the brilliant students of grade VII and IX in Bancharampur upazila. Responding to an urge of setting up a medical college hospital in the area, he said that the Bashundhara Group had been running five Free-Friday-Clinics at Bancharampur and it would love to do so for the ultimate welfare of the local people. Earlier, State Minister for Liberation War Affairs Captain (Retd.) AB Tajul Islam distributed grants among the freedom fighters of Bancharampur Upzilla. The Senior Executive Director (A & F) of the Bashundhara Group Moinal Hossain Chowdhury declared slump sum grant of Taka 100 thousand for the freedom fighters of the Upzilla.
দেশব্যাপী অসচ্ছল নারীরা পেলো বসুন্ধরা শুভসংঘের সেলাই মেশিন
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Bashundhara Foundation Distributes Interest-Free Loans in Bancharampur
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Bashundhara Shuvosangho Distribute Blankets in Kushtia