Bashundhara Shuvosangho has distributed winter clothes among 40 poor families from small ethnic groups in Jagdal village, under Birganj upazila in Dinajpur.
The platform’s Birganj upazila branch Advisor Sohel Ahmed, President Farhad Hossain, Co-Organising Secretary Mozammel Haque, and others were present on the occasion.
"We always try to stand by the underprivileged people of society in response to a call for serving humanity. People from small ethnic groups are suffering the most in this severe winter. This initiative will continue in the future," said Sohel Ahmed.
Farhad Hossain said that Bashundhara Shuvosangho stands by everyone in good deeds.
He added that Bashundhara Shuvosangho’s activities are not limited to distributing winter clothes only; the platform supports the underprivileged people of society through various humanitarian activities throughout the year.
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