The Bashundhara Foundation provided an interest-free loan to around 249 underprivileged women on Monday as part of a philanthropic initiative by the country's leading industrial conglomerate. More than Tk4.1 million is given to the recipients in the 76th round of the scheme, which continues to work to improve the lives of those living in poverty.
Bashundhara Group Treasurer Maynal Hossain Chowdhury was present at the loan disbursement as the chief guest, while Bashundhara Foundation Chief Executive Officer M Naseemul Hye, Deputy General Manager Maimun Kabir, and Manager Mosharraf Hossain were also present on the occasion. Bashundhara Shuvosangho Director Zakaria Zaman, Bancharampur Government College faculty Chan Mia Sarkar, and Bashundhara Foundation officials Amir Hossain Anwar, Mohammad Shahjahan and Mohammad Bashir were present on the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion, Maynal Hossain said that many of those poor women of Bancharampur, Nabinagar and Homna upazilas have already benefitted from this interest-free loan from Bashundhara Foundation. According to locals, the lending scheme, which began in 2005, has been carried out consistently and methodically for the previous 20 years under the direct supervision of Bashundhara Group Chairman Ahmed Akbar Sobhan. The non-profit arm of Bashundhara Group so far handed out Tk275.1 million in 76 schemes among 28,378 individuals of 191 villages in the three upazilas of Bancharampur, Nabinagar, and Homna.
SOURCE : Daily Sunমনোহরদীতে বসুন্ধরা শুভসংঘের ইফতার সামগ্রী বিতরণ
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